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Список услуг находится ниже.

Выбрав подходящую услугу, перейдите к способам оплаты. Ваш заказ будет одобрен после успешной оплаты.

Note: You must log in or register before proceeding to payment
F-Liiga Season Ticket
89.90 € 

Buy season ticket to watch all the F-Liiga men and women Live matches, recordings and other videos.

As an extra service you can also watch Latvia Open games 24-28.8.2022 with the package.

Package valid from the purchase.

Price includes the VAT.


F-Liiga Monthly Subscription
15.90 € /1 месяц

Buy monthly subscription for F-Liiga men and women Live matches, recordings and other videos.

As an extra service you can also watch Latvia Open games 24-28.8.2022 with the package.

Price includes VAT.

Men Team Classic Monthly Subscription
11.90 € /1 месяц

Buy monthly subscription for F-Liiga men team Classic Live games, recordings and other videos.

F-Liiga Single Game ticket
10.00 € 

Buy single game ticket to watch a game Live or later as a recording.

Price includes the VAT.

Men Team SPV Monthly Subscription
11.90 € /1 месяц

Buy monthly subscription for F-Liiga men team SPV Live matches, recordings and other videos.

Вы можете произвести оплату, выбрав один из подходящих Вам способов оплаты

Note: You must log in or register before proceeding to payment

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